
Showing posts from September, 2021

Blog Post #5: How Much Privacy Do We Really Have?

Overview Privacy. A term that many of us know the definition to but do not know much about the extent of what the concept really entails. We may be in the year of 2021 and we may be  seeing numerous technological advances that is further enhancing our ability to communicate and voice our opinions to and with others in society, but that doesn't mean everything about this is beneficial for our nation. There are actually many downsides to having so much technology in our world that is leading to a drastic increase in the amount of access that government officials have.  Especially within the past 10 years the popularity and usage rate of social media has skyrocketed and more and more individuals are utilizing the internet for a variety of reasons. In 2011, it was reported by  Pew Research Center that 50% of American adults had used at least one social media platform, a 45 percent increase from 2005.  That number has now expanded to 72% of the public using some type of social media. So

Blog Post #4: EOTO 1- The History and Impact of Television

History  Television is such a common aspect in our society today. There were an estimated 121 million TV homes in the U.S. for the 2020-2021 season and is extremely rare nowadays to walk into a house that does not have at least one television sitting somewhere in the house. However, an electronic television is not something that has even existed for a full century. The world's first electronic television was invented in 1927 by Philo Taylor Farnsworth , who was 21 years old at the time. Farnsworth at the time was looking for an invention that could capture moving images, transform those images into code, then move those images along radio waves to different devices. At this time, radio had existed for a couple of years, but it was still hard and not as easy to access breaking news and entertainment like it is today, but the television was meant to address that issue. Mechanical televisions had already existed in the early 1900s, but were not as accessible and used by individuals a

Blog Post #3: The Most IMPORTANT Value of Free Expression

What Value of Free Expression Resonated With Me the Most? As a college student  with aspirations to enter and  succeed in the very competitive sports media industry, the one word that is always  running through my mind in how I want to proceed my class assignments, field assignments, and other forms of work is "unique". I strive to not be like everyone else and instead am in favor of thinking outside the box and bringing something innovative that no one else has ever seen before. Out of the eight values of free expression that I read through, number 7: "Promote Innovation" was the one that resonated with me the most. Promoting innovation allows for citizens in our society to spark more immense amounts of creativity and to bring in their own ideas which is what helps our society to continuously expand and never get dull.  Pros of Promoting Innovation Now, are there many norms that have existed for decades and decades in the U.S. that are followed by almost everyone?