
Blog Post #13: My Roller Coaster of a Relationship with Technology

Introduction When I think about my overall relationship with technology, it takes me awhile to formulate an accurate opinion on the kind of impact that it has made in my life. Some people may be able to answer the question of "what is your relationship with technology?" in less than 10 seconds, but I am not one of those people.  The world of technology is so enormous and it has been an every day component of my life since I was elementary school. From using technology to look up information for a school project to using social media or publishing content, the web has been a consistent need for me especially as someone who is aspiring to working in an industry that is moving towards being fully digital (more on that later) which makes my relationship a lot more unique than the relationship that my fellow peers may have with technology.  Everyone essentially has an unpublished book that is about the overall connection that every one has with technology is. Their experiences ar

Blog Post #12: Class Discussion on Whistleblowers

Overview of Whistleblowers During class, we discussed the idea of whistleblowers and their prevalence in our society. In my years past, I have thought about whistleblowers being essentially bodyguards and serving as a positive benefit to our society, but my knowledge and opinion on them changed drastically after having a whole class discussion about. The official term of a whistleblower is "Someone who works in the government that leaks the information to the public." This act has a correlation with the Espionage Act which was enacted during World War I as an act that used to "punish acts of interference with foreign relations."  Its crazy to think that these are literally government employees leaking information to everybody else. With politics changing by the minute it seems in today's society, there are many controversies on the government and how much one can trust it in today's world. Oftentimes, the government tries to manipulate U.S. citizens and cont